

Hitachi, Ltd. announced it has developed and verified operation of a 0.15 x 0.15 millimeter (mm), 7.5 micrometer (祄) thick contactless IC chip, the smallest and thinnest in the world, to date. The read-only chip uses an external antenna to receive 2.45 GHz radio waves and wirelessly transmits a 128 bit unique ID number. The chip is a smaller version of the 0.4 x 0.4 mm "?Chip" currently being marketed by Hitachi, maintaining the same level of functionality.

Compared to the 0.3 x 0.3 mm, 60祄 thick IC chip (the 0.3mm IC chip) announced by Hitachi in February 2003, surface area is reduced to a quarter of the original size. Developments in thin chip fabrication technology have also enabled the chip to be reduced to one-eighth the thickness of the 0.3mm IC chip, at the same time.

By taking advantage of the merits of compactness, high authenticity and contactless communication, and combining it with Internet technology, the ?Chip may be utilized in a broad range of applications such as security, transportation, amusement, traceability and logistics.

温度计 红外线测温仪 温湿度表 风速计 照度计 紫外线强度计
可燃性气体检测仪 氧气分析仪 烟气分析仪 二氧化碳分析仪 万用表 示波器
电池测试仪 电力分析仪 电缆故障定位仪 钳表 硬度计 场强仪
高斯计 酸度计 工业工具 噪音计 亮度计 电阻测试仪
记录仪 汽车尾气分析仪(烟度计) 套装组合工具 尘埃粒子计数器
发布人:众宇旺仪器 发布时间:2009年6月26日 已被浏览 2186 次 〖 打印本文